Miniature Plants - Buyer's Guide for Terrariums and Fairy Gardens

One of the most important aspects of designing a fairy garden or terrarium is finding the right plants for your space. The search obviously begins by looking for miniature plants to include in your tiny green gardens. Then you have to consider the water, humidity and light requirements of each plant to determine if they can thrive in the same environment.

I would love to ask some folks, who are mixing succulents and ferns in terrariums, what their little ecosystems look like after a few months. Once I get my terrarium and fairy gardens set up, I hope to share with you how things progress so perhaps we can learn together what works and what clearly doesn’t.

In the meantime, this section of Tiny Green Gardens should help you find the right miniature plants to buy for your fairies and container gardens.

Elfin Thyme Plants

Filed under: Miniature Plants

Elfin thyme plants have tiny leaves which makes them a great choice for fairy gardens. Learn about growing creeping thyme and about buying plants online.

Mini Ferns for Terrariums and Fairy Gardens

Filed under: Ferns Miniature Plants

It can be challenging to find mini ferns for terrariums locally. Two vendors offer a wide range of choices of miniature ferns in a number of varieties.

My Little Moss Garden

Filed under: Miniature Plants Moss Gardens

Take a peek at my little moss garden as I make a second attempt at growing this lovely stuff. Also find a great vendor to purchase live moss online from.

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